ACNE - Acne Treatment

Acne - Acne Information Resource, Acne Products, Acne Remendy, Acne Skin Care, Acne medications, Laser Acne Treatment, Acne Treatment Reviews and Treatment of Sscars...Your source for Acne information on the web. ... comprehensive Acne resource. Our mission is to give you the facts you need about Acne — fast ...

2009年4月24日 星期五

Laser Agne Treatment at Home - Acne Medicine

... Anyone who has tried or thought about Laser acne Treatment knows that although the results are ... Like other Acne Products these new at home laser devices claim it is very easy to use, clearing blemishes within a few days. So will these at home laser acne treatments work? This all depends on the quality of the device and the severity of a person’s acne. For mild to moderate cases of acne, sure they can be a great treatment but are not be suited for sever complicated acne and other sever skin problems. Even with that we have to remember they are no substitute for the real thing since the quality and strength of a medical laser will always be better
...The cost of these at home laser acne treatments can fun you any where from $200 to $500 dollars to start. So devices such as the one available from Sunetics, come with additional add-ons for facial wrinkles, skin pigmentation and pain relief/wound healing and cost $250 a pop. That’s a lot of money for something that may or may not work so that you can save some time in your week...